So possible moving to the Seattle Area. I saw in the FAQ there used to be a moving master thread but looks like i could only find the 2015 as the newest
Back Story: 2 months ago, while attempting to figure out my wife's knee problem we discovered it was caused by a huge calcified bulging disk. She had to have emergency back surgery and is now paralyzed from the waist down (well the T10 vertebrae actually). She was in rehab for 46 days and we are now back at home (North West Florida Panhandle). In rehab they warned her that due to the spinal cord injury she would have heat control issue and being back at home now for almost 2 weeks we are discovering that. She simple cannot stand the heat and 90%+ humidity here. I have always wanted to move away from here having spent my entire adult life within 40 miles of where we live. While doing some internet searches on areas that the heat was within a good range for my wife and Seattle came up. This was one of the places I have always wanted to visit as well. Brought it up with my mother knowing she had been through there on vacation once. She said of all the places they have ever visited it was one of the top 3 she would move to. My father is retiring within the next year or so and we came up with the plan of moving the whole family up to Seattle or the surrounding area. We are from a fairly small town so we don't think we would like to live in the city directly.
I need some advice on where to start looking. I would like to be within 30-45 mins of "downtown" or whatever might pass as a large area with malls, restaurants, and things of that nature but live in a more suburb type area.
With my parents retiring and wanting to travel they are wanting to buy just one larger house for all of us and have us take care of it while they are away. So we will need at least 3 bedrooms, maybe in the 2000-2500 sq foot range
My dad's requirement is to be within 30min (maybe 45min) drive to an airport encase he decides to do some consulting after he retires.
My wife may start to recover some movement in her legs within the next 2 years and we always enjoyed walks and jogging, so having access to some good trails would be wonderful. We also have a 75lbs 1 year old Weimaraner so would need to be pet friendly area and places I can take to burn her energy, hopefully without a car ride.
I'm in marketing and sales with a background in tech and don't have a job lined up yet and that will be a determining factor as I'll be the only one working, but also don't have a job lined up.
Can someone point me in the right direction of where I might start looking? Looking at a map I was thinking South of Seattle maybe... just don't know.
Submitted July 16, 2016 at 07:24PM by Wrath3n
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